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I made this site to exhibit some of the work I've done. Enjoy!​


Scorched Earth is a short demo developed by myself and a group of classmates for one of our BS courses.  It was made over the course of 5 weeks, while learning how to use UDK.  Although it's a little rough, we would like to think we performed a decent job in such a short time.​

Scorched Earth

Unforeseen Future Oddity

Unforeseen Future Oddity is a short demo that I made for my Senior project during my BS.  I was working on this project at the same time as the Scorched Earth project, so I made a lot of the same mistakes (mostly with the scaling) due to my lack of experience.  Another downfall with the demo is the characters within the gameplay.  Unfortunately, I am not good with character design, so I had to use the default robot characters that came with UDK. As a result, the story isn't depicted well.​



AstroDrifter is a small flash game I made recently.  The player controls the astronaut with the mouse and has to collect parts of the spaceship while avoiding meteors.  Although it's small and simple, I am still proud of it.  It's the first flash game I've ever made and I made it in less than a week, while learning how to use actionscript.​



Little Fish, Big Pond

Little Fish, Big Pond is a small game focusing on a little fish named Lenny.  You control Lenny with the mouse and try to eat as much plankton and bread as possible, while avoiding the other fish-life. The more he eats, the bigger he grows.

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