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Hero of Legend:

Return of The Zylarian King

Hero of Legend is by far the longest story I have ever written. It's actually not quite finished yet. I started the story a while back and have been working on and off with it. It is written in script form and only focuses on the main storyline. It tells the story of a man who is found severely injured and suffers from amnesia when he awakens. Throughout the story he learns that he is actually a powerful wizard and joins a secret brotherhood of mages whom fight darkness and protect the world.  They learn that the Zylarian King has returned and must find a way to stop him from conquering the world.  There are many twists and turns throughout the story, along with the telling of relationships between some of the characters.  I have to say that out of all of the stories I have written before, I feel that this one is my greatest work yet.

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